Tuesday, October 28, 2014

The role of intended parents in the surrogacy process

The role of intended parents in the surrogacy process

Every surrogacy process starts with the desire of intended parents to have a biological baby in spite of their medical complexities. Intended parents play a crucial role in overall process of surrogacy. To start with the surrogacy, the main job of commissioning couples is to find the best surrogate agency that have profound knowledge and good experience in dealing with the medical and legal aspects associated with surrogacy. Sterile couples need to check for referrals and can do extensive research on internet to get in touch with the best among the sea of companies. Finding the suitable agency is not as easier as it looks because there is no federal rule governing that by whom the agency should be started and how it should be operated. Therefore, finding the professional who have profound knowledge is very important for intended parents.

Once they are successful in finding the agency, they should prepare for IVF therapy through which a surrogate mother is impregnated. In IVF therapy, an intended mother ova and intended father sperm is taken out by performing a small surgery. The ovum of intended mother is fertilized by combining it with the intended father’s sperm. In some cases, if intended parents fail to produce quality gametes, donor sperm or egg is used to form zygote.  This zygote is cultured in a laboratory for at least three to six days and once the physicians visually confirm the growth of placenta, the zygote is injected into the uterus of the surrogate mother. She then carries a non-biological baby for the next nine months and handover the baby to commissioning couples immediately after birth. 

Monday, October 27, 2014

Surrogate motherhood: How it appears to the outside world

Most of the Americans know who is referred as a surrogate and the importance of surrogacy for sterile couples. Most of the people even wonder what motivates a lady to become a surrogate mother. However, one can quote several reasons for this question. Infertility is considered one of the most common problems faced by the Americans. According to a recent study, approximately 15 to 20 percent of sterile couples stopped adopting a baby; instead they search for a surrogate through which they can own a biological baby. As we know, many argue that surrogacy is a unique opportunity for sterile couples to have biological child. Some other reasons to obtain surrogacy are to avoid genetic defects that may pass to the child during pregnancy. However, many ethical and legal issues are drawn a sharp distinction between the motivations of a surrogate mother.

Ethical issues around surrogacy:

Perhaps, most of the sterile couples, surrogate agencies and surrogate mother understand the complexity of this process better than a normal person who doesn’t know anything about this process.  In present situation, it is near to impossible to solve the myriad of legal and ethical questions surrounding surrogate motherhood. Ethical issues are proliferating. Many argue that these arrangements are depersonalizing the reproduction and creating separation of gestational, social and genetic parenthood. Others argue that children are producing as if like manufacturing some goods by using machineries. Most of the state laws fail to govern any law against surrogacy as well as could not able to maintain transparency in the system.

In conclusion, one can say that legal and ethical debates around this process have no end. For sterile couples, this process works like a boon and for people seeing in the religious, legal and ethical perspective, this process looks like a wrong way of producing children and argue that people are going against nature. Whatever it may be, as we know a coin has two faces, same thing applies to surrogacy, as well. 

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

What intended parents need to know about surrogacy?

What intended parents need to know about surrogacy?

Most of the potential intended parents dream to own a biological baby through surrogacy. To realize their dreams of paternity intendedparents search for the best surrogate agency to realize their dreams of paternity. However, worth mentioning, some of the sterile couples have zero knowledge in this process and they don’t know how to start with it. The first step to realize the dream of having a biological child from the best surrogate mother is to find the reputed surrogate agency in the United States of America. The commissioning couples need to do some research to find the best one because there is no federal rules and transparency in the state laws to govern the surrogacy agencies. There is no particular law that tells how and by whom the surrogacy agency need to be operated. Therefore, it is important for potential intended couples to find the best one.

Once the intended parents choose the best surrogate agency, they will match the couples with the proxy and arrange a meeting to establish a health relationship with each other. The couples then need to fill an application form seeking surrogacy to help in establishing their family. A contract is made between commissioning couples and proxy mother, which briefly outlines the rights and responsibilities of biological parents and proxy mother, compensation paid to a surrogate, medical fee, maternity fee, legal fee and agency fee paid by the intended parents. This contract is very essential to proceed further in surrogacy process. Couples need to read the terms and conditions, each of every point mentioned in the contract and in case if they don’t understand anything mentioned in the point, they can ask representatives to clear the point.

A perfect contract and the perfect surrogate mother who can understand your feelings can make your journey easier. 

Who is a surrogate?

Who is a surrogate?

When a lady agrees to deliver the biological baby of commissioning couples upon agreement by receiving a financial compensation, she is referred as surrogate. Normally, when couples learn that they are unable to have a biological baby due to their medical complexities, they search for a substitute lady through a recognized surrogate agency to own a biological baby. The agency speaks with the intended parents willing to own a baby through surrogates and match them with the proxy and provide necessary guidelines to start the process.

The potential commissioning couples and potential proxy mothers should understand the process before they enter into it. There are two types of surrogacy; traditional and gestational, which is also referred by the names altruistic, commercial; partial and full surrogacy. In traditional surrogacy, a surrogate mother is impregnated through artificial insemination (AI) process. It is a type of ART (Assisted Reproductive Technology) technique where the commissioning father sperm is taken by a clinical procedure and later injected to the substitute mother cervix during ovulation. In this way, the pregnancy is achieved through injecting the sperms of an intended father. A natural process of pregnancy is done artificially to impregnate a lady. The baby born though this process will be biologically connected to intended father a surrogate mother. As this effects the religious beliefs and traditional value, this type of surrogacy is banned completely.

The most common and legal form of surrogacy is gestational surrogacy type. In this process, the embryo created with the gametes of intended parents is injected into the uterus of a surrogate mother to achieve pregnancy. The surrogate mother cost varies according to many factors. Therefore, intended parents need to inquire about the things before entering into the process. 

Who is a surrogate mother?

Who is a surrogate mother?

A surrogate is a woman who carries biological baby of commissioning couples on agreement and relinquishes the baby immediately after birth. A substitute becomes pregnant through different forms ART therapy, normally IVF. The proxy mother carries baby for the term of nine months and the baby is released from the hospital to its commissioning couples. A surrogatemother becomes pregnant through various types. However, the most recognized technique is artificial insemination and IVF.  If the commissioning couples use artificial insemination process to impregnate surrogate mother, then they are adopting traditional surrogacy process which is considered illegal by many state laws. The baby born through traditional surrogacy process is biologically connected to the surrogate mother and commissioning father, which is considered unethical and illegal. Therefore, most of the state laws ban this type of surrogacy.

As traditional proxy process is considered illegal and unethical, most of the intended parents, doctors and surrogate agencies prefer gestational proxy process where the substitute is impregnated through IVF therapy. In-Vitro Fertilization technique is one of the most popular methods of ART where an embryo is created using intended parents or donors gametes (Egg and Sperm). Surrogate mothers egg is not used in this process. An intended mother or donor egg is fertilized with intended father or donor sperm in the laboratory to form an embryo. This embryo is cultured in the laboratory for two to six days and when the embryo is developed to a fluid cavity, it is implanted into the uterus of a surrogate mother. The baby born through this process is biologically connected with the intended parents (if their sperm and egg are used to form zygote). 

Thursday, October 16, 2014

How the find the best surrogate agencies in the USA

There are many surrogate agencies in USA and finding the best among thousands of agencies can be a difficult job for both commissioning couples and surrogate mothers. It is important for both parties to look at all aspects. Here is a checklist that commissioning couples and proxies need to look for and to select the best surrogate agency.

Surrogate agencies that have decades of experience had good reputation rather than the new agencies or agencies with lesser experience. Although this in not always the case, it applies to many situations. A well experienced agency will be having a pool of potential surrogates as well as necessary protocols to make the entire process easier. Intended parents need to look at this quality to choose the best.

Ask for the reference with the doctors, friends, family and relatives. An agency filled with efficient staff members who try to make feel comfortable as much as they can throughout the process will work better for commissioning couples and proxies. You can ask about the process and can discuss your difficulties only when the staff members are friendly and caring. Therefore, it is important to look at this quality, as well.

You need to judge the agency on the level of standards that they have set-up. Check whether they meet your needs and requirements and are efficient in establishing a good and sensible relationship between intended parents and substitute mothers. Check the reviews and testimonials of the selected agency and once you are satisfied with the results, proceed further and express your desires to have a biological baby with the help of the best surrogate. 

Monday, October 13, 2014

A brief overview on surrogacy

A woman is considered surrogate when she carries a biological baby of commissioning couples. A woman can become surrogate when she has a good medical condition and sensibility towards sterile couples. Commissioning couples seek the help of surrogates when an intended mother’s is suffering from malfunctioning of womb, recurrent pregnancy loss, failure of ART techniques or when intended father is suffering from poor quality of sperms. The commissioning couples seek help from the best substitute agencies to find the suitable substitute to realize their dreams of having a biological child.

Most of the agencies prefer gestational surrogacy which is also referred as host, full and commercial surrogacy as it considered legal by many state laws. The baby born through the gestational surrogacy is biologically connected to the intended couples. The gestational surrogacy involves the implantation of the embryo created using sperms and eggs of the intended couples or created using the donor egg and intended father sperm or embryo created using donor egg and sperm.

However, commissioning couples need to know aboutsurrogate mother before signing the agreement. Check whether the medical reports are examined carefully or not. Insist the surrogate agencies to do family background check and criminal background checks. Once you complete the formalities and select the best substitute, read the rights and responsibilities and the points mentioned in the surrogate agreement. Fix appointment with the doctors and follow the schedule accordingly. Know about the legal risks associated with the surrogacy. Contact the best solicitor or seek the agency help to make the process legal. It is also advisable for intended parents and substitute mothers to receive counselling before starting the surrogacy process. 

Saturday, October 11, 2014

What is gestational surrogacy?

Surrogacy is type of agreement where a woman carries baby for commissioning couples. There are two types of surrogacy; altruistic and commercial which is also referred as traditional and gestational. In traditional surrogacy, a substitute mother is impregnated through artificial insemination process where the sperm of a commissioning or intended father is injected to the ovum of a surrogate mother. The baby born through this process is biologically connected to the intended father and the surrogate mother. However, this process is considered illegal in many states and banned. Therefore, most of the surrogate agencies and commissioning couples prefer gestational surrogacy process. It is one of the most common type of surrogacy and most popular method of ART (Assisted Reproductive Technique).

In gestational surrogacy process, a substitute mother is impregnated through In-vitro Fertilization (IVF) treatment. In this therapy, the intended mother or donor egg is taken out and protected in the laboratory; meanwhile, sperm is taken out form the intended father or donor to fertilize the egg. When the sperms are combined with the ovum, it penetrates and fertilizes the ovum within few hours. The fertilized egg is then cultured in the laboratory for four to six days. Once the fertilized egg appears in the fluid form, it is implanted into the uterus of a substitute mother. She then carries the zygote for nine months and delivers a healthy baby. The child born through this procedure is biologically connected to the commissioning couples only if their sperms and eggs are used to form zygote, else it is biologically related with the donor who remains anonymous. 

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

How to find the best surrogate agency?

The decision to become a surrogate requires extensive research and clear understanding of the surrogacy process. It is quite important for the proxy mother to choose the best surrogate agency to work with. Working with a trusted surrogate agency with a strong reputation not only ensures proxies that they are dealing with the person who know the process better, but also gives them assurance that they are in safe hands. It is also important for intended parents or commissioning couples to find the surrogate with the help of best agency who have a strong reputation in the market as well as years of experience in the field. If the proxies and intended parents get the help of the best agency in the United States of America, then their journey in the process will be fruitful with lesser difficulties.

When you decide to have a biological child through surrogacy, contact your friends, relatives or other members who own a child through this process. Ask them about their experience and try to gather information about the best agencies in and around your area. Prepare a list of agencies and compare with each other. Check the years of experience and their screening process, compare the screening process and agency fee, check their guidance procedure and how they help in the legal issues. By the time you collect this information, now you’ll have three to four agencies name on your hand.

Fix an appointment with those agencies and speak with them personally. Select the best one and start your journey with a good surrogate mother. 

Monday, October 6, 2014

Surrogate mothers in USA

Childless couple suffers a lot of mental agony.  The fact is that they cannot enjoy their child’s footsteps and laughter and little smiles make them feel very bad.  They long to have a child of their own.  The couple is ready to undergo any pains to own a child and enjoy the growth of their child in and around their house.  Different techniques will be incorporated to enjoy their parenthood.  Surrogate mothers in USA, need to know a few facts about surrogacy.  The surrogacy may involve eggs and sperms of intended parents, or only eggs, or it may be only sperms of the intended parents.  When both eggs and sperms are combined together, then the embryo is created out of the lab and then, it will be transferred into the womb of a surrogate mother. 

Therefore, one can understand it may due to partial surrogacy or complete surrogacy depending upon the medical requirements of the childless parents.  The surrogate mother needs to understand the various complex issues before she agrees to enter into a contract.  Various tests will be conducted to  choose the able surrogate.  Age, blood group, family background, medical history and the success rate depend upon the success of IUI and IVF. 

Apart from this there are some risks in surrogacy.  Risk in the fertility treatment should be considered.  There are also medical and legal issues involved surrogacy.  Legal and Medical approved agencies look after all these issues and they charge according to the services they are going to extend their client.  Therefore, the surrogate mothers in USA and intended parents both need to contact such agencies where they can get reliable and quality service.  

How to become a surrogate mother

Surrogacy is a boon to childless parents.  After a thorough medical investigation if the couple is found that they are not capable to have their own child, then they can have a child through a surrogate mother.  This is possible by the method known as in vitro fertilization method.  This is a method where a female is willing to bear the child through artificial insemination method.  This method is very helpful for the childless mother to have their own child through a surrogate mother. 

There are two types of surrogacy.  In the first method, the female is biologically connected with the child and she will donate her egg to the intended father.  She will be biologically connected with the child.  In another method the hired one will only bear the child in her womb, there the fertilized egg is implanted in the uterus.

But it is not very easy to become a surrogate mother.  All the medical procedures are carried through recognized and authorized agencies.  They will conduct all the preliminary checks required for the surrogacy.  They have a big network where they can match the required type surrogates having a compatibility with the medical history of the intended parents.  This is very important.  Since it is a long process those who wish to become surrogate mothers need to register their name in the authorized agencies.  They will guide you as how to become a surrogate mother giving complete details with a thorough medical history.  

Friday, October 3, 2014

Tips to find suitable surrogate mother

A surrogate interview helps intended parents to find suitable surrogate mother to fulfil their dreams of parenthood. The interviews also help substitutes to find suitable sterile couples. In both ways, the two parties are benefitted through this interview. Once the sterile couples decide to choose surrogacy to realize their dreams, it is quite important for them to find the suitable woman to serve their purpose. It is always good to take help from the reputed surrogate agencies of America as they really work better in completing the paper work and the legal formalities. They play a crucial role in overall process of surrogacy.  Here are some tips for the intended parents to find a suitable surrogatemother.

Finding the best woman:

Sterile couples can choose any one method among these three. The first method is consulting the reputed and the licensed agency to find a suitable proxy. The agencies screen the ladies; check their family background, financial status and the medical records of a woman before they hire the lady as a surrogate mother. They follow strict screening process and ensure family background and financial status of a potential proxy is sound. Once the screening process is done and they get satisfactory results, they recommend the best to the childless couples.  


It is a known fact that surrogacy demands thousands of dollars. A long list of potential fee and financial obligations is associated with this process. It includes legal fee, medical fee, surrogate fee and adoption fee. In some cases, the sterile couples need to pay extra compensation if the surrogate mother delivers twin babies. Therefore, read all the terms and conditions before signing the surrogate contract and if you are unsure about any noted contents in the contract, clarify with the agency at the spot. 

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

What is gestational surrogacy?

Surrogacy is a process where a lady carries pregnancy for sterile couples. There are two types of surrogacy; traditional and gestational. In traditional surrogacy, a surrogate donates her own ovum to carry pregnancy. In this type of surrogacy, a surrogate conceives through artificial insemination (AI) treatment where the sperms of intended father or donor sperm is injected to the ovaries of a surrogate mother to achieve pregnancy. But this process is considered illegal therefore, most of the surrogate agencies do not follow this process rather intended parents and surrogate mother depends on gestational surrogacy process.

A lady who carries pregnancy through gestational process is referred as gestational carrier. In this process, pregnancy is achieved though In-vitro fertilization (IVF) treatment. Gestational surrogacy is accepted by the different state laws and is considered legal. In IVF treatment, intended parent’s egg and sperm is collected and cultured in the laboratory for about two to six days to form zygote. The ovum of intended mother is fertilized by inducing intended father’s sperm. Physicians constantly monitor the fertilization process and once they see the formation of two nuclei visually, they inject the cultured zygote to the uterus of the surrogate mother to achieve pregnancy.

The baby born through gestational surrogacy process is genetically related with intended parents if their sperm and egg is used to form zygote. In this process, two parties is involved; the first party is the intended parents whose sperm and egg are used and the second party is surrogate mother whose uterus is used to carry pregnancy. In some cases, when intended father or intended mother fails to produce reproductive hormones, donors are used to form zygote. In such case, three parties will be involved in over all process.