Monday, October 27, 2014

Surrogate motherhood: How it appears to the outside world

Most of the Americans know who is referred as a surrogate and the importance of surrogacy for sterile couples. Most of the people even wonder what motivates a lady to become a surrogate mother. However, one can quote several reasons for this question. Infertility is considered one of the most common problems faced by the Americans. According to a recent study, approximately 15 to 20 percent of sterile couples stopped adopting a baby; instead they search for a surrogate through which they can own a biological baby. As we know, many argue that surrogacy is a unique opportunity for sterile couples to have biological child. Some other reasons to obtain surrogacy are to avoid genetic defects that may pass to the child during pregnancy. However, many ethical and legal issues are drawn a sharp distinction between the motivations of a surrogate mother.

Ethical issues around surrogacy:

Perhaps, most of the sterile couples, surrogate agencies and surrogate mother understand the complexity of this process better than a normal person who doesn’t know anything about this process.  In present situation, it is near to impossible to solve the myriad of legal and ethical questions surrounding surrogate motherhood. Ethical issues are proliferating. Many argue that these arrangements are depersonalizing the reproduction and creating separation of gestational, social and genetic parenthood. Others argue that children are producing as if like manufacturing some goods by using machineries. Most of the state laws fail to govern any law against surrogacy as well as could not able to maintain transparency in the system.

In conclusion, one can say that legal and ethical debates around this process have no end. For sterile couples, this process works like a boon and for people seeing in the religious, legal and ethical perspective, this process looks like a wrong way of producing children and argue that people are going against nature. Whatever it may be, as we know a coin has two faces, same thing applies to surrogacy, as well. 

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