Tuesday, July 1, 2014

How surrogate pregnancy is achieved?

Surrogacy is a process where a lady carry genetically irrelevant baby in her womb. This process allows sterile, gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender couples to establish their family by having a genetically relevant baby. Surrogate pregnancy can be achieved through in-vitro fertilization therapy. This treatment normally takes four to six weeks to become successful. Initially, fertility drug is given to the woman to produce quality eggs instead of one, as the successful treatment needs multiple eggs. The physicians use ultrasound therapy and blood test to determine whether the ova are ready for retrieval.

Once the eggs are ready for retrieval, doctors perform trans vaginal ultrasound therapy to locate the matured eggs in ovary. Once the matured eggs are located, a needle is inserted into ovaries to suck the ova. However, if trans vaginal ultrasound therapy fails to detect ova, laparoscopic surgery is performed. After retrieving ova, doctors examine each and every ovum and select the most potential ovum for a successful surrogate pregnancy. Physicians place eggs in the IVF cultural medium for insemination. Meanwhile, quality sperms is retrieved from the semen of intended father and then combined with the ovum stored in the incubator.

When the sperms are combined with ovum, the best swimmer fertilizes an egg within a matter of hours. Doctors visually confirm the fertilization once they see two pronuclei. After one week, zygote is developed in the laboratory, which is injected to the uterus of a surrogate in order to achieve pregnancy. A surrogate then carries the baby for nine months and handover the child to biological parents after delivery. 

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